Bridge to Savannah, GA

Bridge to Savannah, GA
Photo by J. Shane Hutto

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Finding a job in Obama's New World?

Here is what I have seen thus far in Obama's new world of hope and change. I have degrees and education out the ears and my only main debt is Student Loans to the government and I can't find a job, must less a good job, for anything I do!
I tried "Food Stamps" and was denied; then I try to get "Health Insurance" and I am a "future risk" or a "high Risk" and then there are the "preexisting conditions" so mainly I am screwed as far as health insurance goes!
I did however watch "Sicko", the Micheal Moore file dealing with health care - and I have friends in Europe - their health care system is not as rosie as it seems in the painting that Moore gives us on screen, but something to help is better than NOTHING even if it is a brainstorm of possible ideas!
Yes we or our parent and their parents before, got us in this mess by spending more than we have. HINT: What happened to lay-away people? The credit card!! Keeping the all America Dream alive!! But has this "Dream" become our Berlin Wall. Keep the rich wealthy and the poor without...or is there something we can do about it without tearing apart our infrastructure.
Okay, I was told by a person at the SC Dept. of Rev. to "Get a Job!" Well, Mr. Dept. of Rev. Man, I have more high price degrees than most of our US citizens, and I am either over qualified or missing that one little skill that they didn't offer at the Universities I attended. Now what? Part-time jobs? When I ask if someone is hiring the response is "yes we are" or "we will be soon". I ask how many hours - the response is 15-20 hours at $7.25 or $8.00 an hour. I'm sorry, but I can't live on pocket change. And I have been crawling so long now that I wonder if I will ever reach the status to walk!
Our system is broke. I am not sure how to repair it; but I can say that the Washington DC Senators and Rep's (Not to mention kicking a dead horse a few more times - SC Governor Mark Sanford) who refused to take the stimulus package until he was forced to take it, was later found to be working hard in Argentina, getting his South American rocks off. One thing is certain: voters know how to pick the prettiest apples - we forget to look for all the worm holes! 'Cause they are all rotten to the core for the most part.
I'm off to the malls in the triangle area of NC to find some part-time job or jobs. I will keep you posted on my results; or if you are reading this and want to help a well educated Artist out, send me a message or e-mail. Can't hurt...

1 comment:

  1. right on my friend!! I have had the same luck. I think it is very difficult for anyone right now. But I hope thing will get better, :-)
