Bridge to Savannah, GA

Bridge to Savannah, GA
Photo by J. Shane Hutto

Thursday, August 6, 2009

When People Doubt Me-I prove them wrong!!!

One thing I have discovered about myself in life is when people doubt me, I put 300% more effort into whatever I'm doing. Part of it is to prove that "I can do it" for myself and to prove to the disbeliever, that yes in fact I CAN DO IT. Challenge is really an opportunity for me. It gives me the chance to stand out in the vast ocean of ordinary people; and, for once I feel like I'm 17 again. That magical age where all doors seem open to any dream you might have. The sky is the limit. And we really feel that we will live forever and can do anything that we really set forward to do in life.
Although I grew up in rural South Carolina, I was always surrounded by people who loved me for me - no questions asked. Now I'm 30something and life seems to be creeping up on me. I realize now that I really have to make some choices in my life where my significant other and I will have the American dream during a time that for most people, that dream seems lost in times gone by.
That brings me back to the main point I am making. I still have that childhood dream. That fire is alive and well. And I will never give in or up until I have achieved a point in life where I can call myself successful. It is in my blood - I guess - I am a lot like my grandfather Hutto. "If you don't give it a try, one thing is for sure, that dream will always be just that, a dream!"

1 comment:

  1. I really like tis....I feel the same way. It's very motivational!!!!!
