Bridge to Savannah, GA

Bridge to Savannah, GA
Photo by J. Shane Hutto

Monday, August 10, 2009

Apple Snow Leopard Arrival

Apple Computer is finally releasing Snow Leopard which doesn't seem to add a lot to the OS X platform but does reduce the footprint. This is a good thing. Apple is a product that is almost always related with style and design of the product - just say the MacBook Air. However, I have been using Apple since I was 14 years old and have tried Windows XP and Vista but I can't leave my Macs.
Macs are by far the best and the best of both PC and Macs if you use Virtual PC. Having two platforms tow chose from in a design field is only a bonus!
The less software I have to Buy the better. One great thing regarding Apple is that we are forever guessing with what the next big product might be. I might add that many people who are running Windows on a network in the office, may not realize it but they are using a Mac based server! I always find this to be funny - but so true. Check out the product that I love the most at Apple.

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