Bridge to Savannah, GA

Bridge to Savannah, GA
Photo by J. Shane Hutto

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's been awhile since my last Post...

My totally new blog is underconstruction as I type this
The New Site will be...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ruins of Old Sheldon Church

The ruins of Old Sheldon Church (Prince Williams Parish Church) was build around 1745. The name Sheldon is used to honor the Bull Family who's ancestral home was in Warwickshire, England and was called Sheldon Hall. The family had a Plantation near the church. In the Bull family vault arms and ammunition was hidden during the Revolutionary War. Continental troops drilled the church grounds and during May of 1779 Old Sheldon Church was burned by General Augustine Prevost's British troops.
The name Sheldon Church wasn't fully estabilished until 1826 when the church was rebuilt as Sheldon Church of Prince William's Parish. For about 41 years the new Sheldon Church stood again until January 14, 1865 when Sherman's 15th corps under General John Logan burned Sheldon Church as part of Sherman's march to the sea.
This site is truly a beautiful yet haunting breath from the past. The cemetary is the final resting place for many promanat families and is well worth the time to visit if you are traveling the lowcountry near Yemassee and Beaufort, SC. Map to Old Sheldon Church Ruins.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cumberland Island: Outdoor Lover's paradise

Cumberland Island is the largest and last barrier Island before you reach the state of FL. This Island was once owned by the wealthy industrialist Carnegie Family. Today however it is a Pristine wonderland for the outdoor enthusiast. You will find miles and miles of undeveloped beaches and marshland stretching as far as the eye can see.
And when the chosen few, yes you have to make reservations ahead of your trip and only a certain number of people are allowed on the Island per day, arrive by ferry to the old dock house you will find a small chapel were a very high profile couple got married. The couple was the late J.F.K. Jr. and his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy who were married on Cumberland Island's Historic Baptist church on September 21, 1996 to elude the media. Unfortunately the couple along with Bessette's sister, died when the small Piper Saratoga plane piloted by JFK Jr. crashed on July 16, 1999, seven miles off the coast of Matha's Vinyard.
Cumberland Island is connected with many well known families. You will also encounter 200 or more wild horses who wonder the entire Island. A visit to this often unknown gem, will linger in your travel journal for years. Then the echo's of such beauty and history will bring you back to Georgia's last barrier Island. Click the above link for more information on your visit to Cumberland Island, a part of the National Parks Service - U.S. Department of the Interior.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

When Charleston was Charles Towne

      When South Carolina became a colony in the new world the city that is known today as Charleston was Charles Towne. Cotton was king and rice field plots could be found along the Ashley river connecting to the Plantations. One Plantation that stands out the most is Drayton Hall.
      In 1670 Charles Towne was founded and the very first settlement was at Albermarle Point beside the Ashley River. It was during that time when Mr. Thomas Drayton sails to Charles Towne from Barbados in 1679. He then acquires property along the Ashley River and builds Magnolia Plantation. Then in 1680 Charles Towne moves to it's current location. In 1715 John Drayton is born at Magnolia Plantation, north of where he will later construct Drayton Hall.
     While fleeing the British Army in the spring of 1779 John has a seizure and dies. Drayton Hall is now owned by his fourth wife, Rebecca Perry Drayton. That same year William H. Drayton dies. He was born born at Drayton Hall in 1742 and is noted in the role he played in leading the Carolina colony and soon the nation to independence. Drayton Hall is sold in 1783 by Rebecca Drayton to her stepson Charles who begins to live in the plantation in January 1784. Much of the original furniture was later sold in an estate auction when Rebecca dies in 1840.
     Drayton Hall is unique because it survived both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. However after by the end of the Civil War the Drayton 's did not use the Plantation as their main residence. A Chinese Chippendale style house built along 25 East Battery in downtown Charleston is where the Drayton's preferred to live.
     In 1969 Miss Charlotta who was a sixth generation Drayton, dies. Although she leaves the Plantation to her two nephews, it was her wish that "the property be preserved for further generations.
This is a must see if you are going to Charleston, SC. The link above give more details regarding tickets and hours of operation. Check it out!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eating Brunch at Fire Fly Cafe, Savannah, GA

If you are traveling to Savannah, GA, be sure to stop in at Firefly Cafe and enjoy the BEST brunch in town. I have never had bad service nor have I had to wait a long time on the weekend. Make sure you try the Banana bread french Toast!! They also have the best vegetarian menus in town.
Located in Historic Downtown Savannah on Habersham St. where you can dine inside or on the sidewalk. Beer and Wine is served.
Give Fire Fly Cafe a try! You will not be disappointed!

  • Hours:

    Tue-Thu. 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

    Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.

    Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.

    Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

321 Habersham St
Savannah, GA 31401-4421
(912) 234-1971

Visiting The Owens-Thomas House in Savannah, GA

During the time that I attended the Savannah College of Art and Design I worked part time for the Owens-Thomas House. It is owned my the Telfair Museum of Arts . It is located in the Historic District of downtown Savannah. Construction on this house began in the late 1700's and was designed by William Jay who was a young architect from Bath, England. This house had indoor plumbing before the White House and the water was heated! Built for Richard Richardson, who endured many hardships after moving into the home.
This house is a must see for anyone visiting Savannah, GA. You can find all the information needed at this website Owens-Thomas House.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Apple Snow Leopard Arrival

Apple Computer is finally releasing Snow Leopard which doesn't seem to add a lot to the OS X platform but does reduce the footprint. This is a good thing. Apple is a product that is almost always related with style and design of the product - just say the MacBook Air. However, I have been using Apple since I was 14 years old and have tried Windows XP and Vista but I can't leave my Macs.
Macs are by far the best and the best of both PC and Macs if you use Virtual PC. Having two platforms tow chose from in a design field is only a bonus!
The less software I have to Buy the better. One great thing regarding Apple is that we are forever guessing with what the next big product might be. I might add that many people who are running Windows on a network in the office, may not realize it but they are using a Mac based server! I always find this to be funny - but so true. Check out the product that I love the most at Apple.