Bridge to Savannah, GA

Bridge to Savannah, GA
Photo by J. Shane Hutto

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ruins of Old Sheldon Church

The ruins of Old Sheldon Church (Prince Williams Parish Church) was build around 1745. The name Sheldon is used to honor the Bull Family who's ancestral home was in Warwickshire, England and was called Sheldon Hall. The family had a Plantation near the church. In the Bull family vault arms and ammunition was hidden during the Revolutionary War. Continental troops drilled the church grounds and during May of 1779 Old Sheldon Church was burned by General Augustine Prevost's British troops.
The name Sheldon Church wasn't fully estabilished until 1826 when the church was rebuilt as Sheldon Church of Prince William's Parish. For about 41 years the new Sheldon Church stood again until January 14, 1865 when Sherman's 15th corps under General John Logan burned Sheldon Church as part of Sherman's march to the sea.
This site is truly a beautiful yet haunting breath from the past. The cemetary is the final resting place for many promanat families and is well worth the time to visit if you are traveling the lowcountry near Yemassee and Beaufort, SC. Map to Old Sheldon Church Ruins.

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